March 30th: Fashion and Talent Show at 4 pm (PST)


March 30th: Fashion and Talent Show at 4 pm (PST) 〰️

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A hive for neurodivergent girls and their allies. A force for authentic, compassionate inclusion.

To give neurodivergent girls* and their allies a group of friends and a sense of belonging, through meaningful participation in a community that accepts them just as they are.

*Builder Bees uses the term “girl” when referring to cisgender girls, transgender girls, children being raised and socialized as girls, and anyone who identifies as female.

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Our Vision

Builder Bees: a hive that welcomes neurodivergent girls* who are looking for friends, providing them with sensory-friendly activities, and empowering them to model active inclusion and acceptance of themselves and others.

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"If I had a place like Builder Bees when I was growing up, I wouldn’t be afraid to say things in public. I wouldn't be forever worrying that I had said something wrong." 

Sarah Lonsert, a professional singer and songwriter.


"Builder Bees is where the nice people are, and I'm your friend"

Naomi, 8


“I realized today that you don’t need words to have friends.”

Arizona Lovell, 13


Donate below to make a birthday donation or in honor of a loved one!

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